'Abhorrent' Yorkshire sex offender who preyed on 'two innocent children' is jailed

Marcus Hoe has been jailed for 13 years after he preyed on two children for years.Marcus Hoe has been jailed for 13 years after he preyed on two children for years.
Marcus Hoe has been jailed for 13 years after he preyed on two children for years.
An “abhorrent” sex offender, from Hull, who preyed on “two innocent vulnerable children” has been jailed.

For years Marcus Hoe, 36, took advantage of and preyed on two “innocent vulnerable children for his own sick sexual gratification”, Humberside Police has said.

Hoe, of New Garden Street in Hull, was sentenced at Hull Crown Court, after being found guilty of four counts of indecent assault on a child, three counts of sexual assault on a child, two counts of gross indecency on a child, two counts of causing/inciting a child to engage in sexual activity and two counts of rape of a child.

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The sex offender was sentenced to 13 years in prison and placed on the sex offenders register for life.

Speaking after the outcome at court, an officer in the case, Detective Sergeant Adele McMillan commended the bravery of the victims for coming forward and reporting these offences.

She said: "They have both shown incredible resilience and strength throughout the entirety of the investigation and court proceedings and I would like to thank them for their patience throughout the entirety of the lengthy investigation whilst officers conducted extensive lines of enquiry.

“Hoe was an abhorrent man who took advantage of and preyed on two innocent vulnerable children for his own sick sexual gratification, over many years. I am reassured that he is now facing considerable time behind bars.

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“Whilst the result at court will not take away the pain and suffering endured at the hands of this criminal, I hope that it will provide the victims and their family some sense of comfort in knowing that Hoe will be behind bars for a very long time.”

DS McMillan went on to encourage anyone who has suffered from sexual abuse to come forward and they “will be listened to and supported”.

She added: “We take all reports of sexual offences extremely seriously and we will continue to seek justice for those who have suffered at the hands of such incomprehensible crimes.

“It is never the victim’s fault, and I would strongly appeal for anyone who is suffering to please come forward to us. Whenever you are ready, we will be there to listen and will act relentlessly to ensure sex offenders are held to account.”