Crisis shows that we need more connectivity and respect - small business chief

The Government should commit to making digital connectivity a Universal Service Obligation once the Covid-19 crisis subsides, a business leader has claimed.

Carolyn Frank, development manager for the Federation of Small Businesses in North Yorkshire, said the coronavirus outbreak had demonstrated how crucial effective digital communication was to firms, with many small companies having been able to continue trading by switching their business models to online offerings and many new enterprises having sprung up to offer services digitally.

She added that the crisis was showcasing how much the UK relies on small firms and should serve as a reminder to the nation that jobs previously classed as unskilled such as delivery drivers and restaurant workers are in fact essential to the economy.

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Ms Frank told The Yorkshire Post: “We have seen many small businesses adapting their products and really delivering at the heart of their communities.

Connectivity more vital than everConnectivity more vital than ever
Connectivity more vital than ever | other

“This has highlighted how much communities actually rely on small businesses.

“Small businesses are agile and have really demonstrated they can adapt quickly to challenging circumstances in many cases. The crisis has highlighted how critical digital connectivity is – with everything moving online, we need investment and the Universal Service Obligation to be a priority more than ever, post crisis.”

Ms Frank added that many small companies were showing high levels of innovation in order to keep trading, despite the extremely trying circumstances.

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“It shows just what skills we miss when these foundation businesses stop trading temporarily.

Carolyn Frank - FSBCarolyn Frank - FSB
Carolyn Frank - FSB | other

“Perhaps this is a lesson to learn about how we value our service industry workers post COVID-19 and also ‘unskilled’ workers and low paid jobs that are absolutely critical.

“The FSB has always made this point about our service industry and small businesses, but I think it is very clear now who society relies on in a crisis and I hope that this is remembered long after we are rid of the virus.”