Ensuring businesses have skilled workforce is crucial

perfect start: The combination of hands-on experience, a salary and gaining technical skills and qualifications alongside work, offer an unrivalled opportunity to get careers started.perfect start: The combination of hands-on experience, a salary and gaining technical skills and qualifications alongside work, offer an unrivalled opportunity to get careers started.
perfect start: The combination of hands-on experience, a salary and gaining technical skills and qualifications alongside work, offer an unrivalled opportunity to get careers started.
AT the Local Enterprise Partnership, helping ensure businesses have a workforce with the skills they need both today and tomorrow is an essential part of our work.

Apprenticeships offer businesses a unique way to achieve this.

Not only can they help address the technical skills gap in our economy, but their on-the-job training provides the employability skills such as interpersonal qualities and emotional intelligence that businesses so often tell us they need. Combined, these are crucial to improve our business productivity.

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As a board and executive coach, I’ve visited many different organisations, and highly productive ones are very inspiring to see.