How a designer turned his number plate hobby into a multimillion pound business

Car designer Afzal Kahn is known for creating eye-catching vehicles for the rich and famous.

The owner of Bradford-based Kahn Design has created a multi-million-pound business by adding a touch of flair to vehicles.

However, he has also turned his passion for collecting car number plates into a profitable business venture.

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He bought his first number plate ‘KHA 17’ for £700. Four years later he sold the plate for £6,000.

The owner of Bradford-based Kahn Design has created a multi-million-pound business by adding a touch of flair to vehicles.The owner of Bradford-based Kahn Design has created a multi-million-pound business by adding a touch of flair to vehicles.
The owner of Bradford-based Kahn Design has created a multi-million-pound business by adding a touch of flair to vehicles.

Mr Kahn has subsequently spent a great deal of time and money building up one of the most valuable number plate collections in the world.

The entrepreneur is the owner of the much coveted ‘F1’ number plate, which currently adorns his blue carbon Bugatti Veyron Super Sport.

Mr Kahn bought the ‘F1’ plate back in 2008 for £440,000. He says that it is his favourite plate and the car designer has turned down plenty of offers for it.

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“I wouldn’t sell it for ten million,” he said. “I am tagged into countless images of the blue carbon Bugatti Veyron Super Sport, so it’s great in terms of connecting with people.”

He has amassed over 50 number plates in his ever-growing collection.He has amassed over 50 number plates in his ever-growing collection.
He has amassed over 50 number plates in his ever-growing collection.

He has amassed over 50 number plates in his ever-growing collection.

Many of the plates he owns sit on retention, awaiting the right owner.

Mr Kahn has a preference for shorter numbers. He said: “I love short numbers, I think they make the car look good. You could put a short plate on a rubbish car and it makes it look so much better.

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“I am in the industry of designing cars and helping people look like heroes on the road. The number completes it.”

James Clough, head of special projects Kahn Design, who is a big Liverpool FC fan, is hoping to keep injured defender Virgil van Dijk’s spirits up as the star continues his recovery from a lengthy layoff by gifting the star a ‘NO 4’ plate from Mr Kahn’s collection.James Clough, head of special projects Kahn Design, who is a big Liverpool FC fan, is hoping to keep injured defender Virgil van Dijk’s spirits up as the star continues his recovery from a lengthy layoff by gifting the star a ‘NO 4’ plate from Mr Kahn’s collection.
James Clough, head of special projects Kahn Design, who is a big Liverpool FC fan, is hoping to keep injured defender Virgil van Dijk’s spirits up as the star continues his recovery from a lengthy layoff by gifting the star a ‘NO 4’ plate from Mr Kahn’s collection.

He is now a very dedicated plate investor and buyer.

Mr Kahn added: “Much like my automotive creations, each registration I own tells a story and generates a sense of intrigue, not only surrounding the vehicle but also the person behind the wheel.

“To the casual observer they are just a set of numbers and letters but to me they are an opportunity to set people’s imaginations racing.

“A good registration turns a mundane requirement into an exciting opportunity to say something about yourself.”

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James Clough, head of special projects Kahn Design, who is a big Liverpool FC fan, is hoping to keep injured defender Virgil van Dijk’s spirits up as the star continues his recovery from a lengthy layoff by gifting the star a ‘NO 4’ plate from Mr Kahn’s collection.

The talismanic footballer wears the number four shirt for Liverpool.

Mr Clough said: “To me, he is the best number 4 in the world, so naturally this plate would be better suited to him than anyone.

“As soon as I saw the registration, I approached our CEO Afzal Kahn with the idea. I hope my gesture possibly helps cheer him up during what must be a very difficult time.”


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