Spanish owner puts £1m into juice brand

SPAIN’S biggest juice brand Don Simon has embarked on a UK expansion plan driven by new products and customers.

Wine maker J Garcia Carrion, which owns the brand, established its UK headquarters in Leeds in 2002 to supply own-brand juice to Asda. It now supplies more than 20 supermarket-branded juice and Don Simon products across the UK.

The company has stepped up its investment in the Don Simon brand this year, spending almost £1m on boosting brand awareness.

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The investment appears to be paying off. The UK turnover has grown by 25 per cent in 2011 to £120m and the company expects to see 30 per cent growth next year. The turnover for the whole group, which exports to 113 countries, is 660m euros.

The Leeds office, which employs five people, controls the supply of juice into the UK as well as developing and marketing Don Simon products.

Customers include Asda and Sainsbury’s as well as cruise ships, airlines, schools, care homes and bars and restaurants.

Marketing manager Richard Cawood said: “The dream is to turn it into a top 100 grocery brand. It means doubling our sales but we only have two or three big accounts at the moment. There’s lots more business out there we can go after to become a household name.

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He added: “In the future, there won’t just be five people working out of Leeds, there will be a fully-fledged business. There’s a potential to bring our haulage in-house and start manufacturing in the UK. There are all sorts we can look at as we grow.”

This year, sales of chilled juice overtook long life juice for the first time in the UK.

According to the latest Kantar data, Don Simon sold 13.5 million litres of chilled juice in the last 12 months, an increase of 199 per cent on 2010.

The brand has also boosted sales by launching special offers to combat the downturn in consumer spending. “People don’t have a lot of money to spend,” said Mr Cawood. “Temporarily, we’ve driven people into the brand by promoting the price.”

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Growth has also come from a raft of new product developments – all created and marketed in Leeds.

There has been a particular push towards children’s drinks. The firm recently signed a licensing agreement with Disney to launch a new children’s smoothie range in Asda, which will roll out to other retailers in January 2012.

It follows the launch of Don Simon’s Juice Out carton drink for children, which has sold over 1.4m six-packs in Asda stores in less than a year.

Mr Cawood said: “When you’re looking at products for children, there are two strands of thought. One is the nutrition, to give them one of their five a day, the other is kids don’t drink enough during the day and they need to keep hydrated and have an energy boost. That was the idea of Juice Out. It’s designed to rehydrate but it’s also a bit of fun and a source of vitamin source. It also had to hit a price point that wasn’t going to break the bank.”

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In addition, Don Simon has launched a tropical juice drink, re-introduced its lemonade for the summer, and launched a range of juices for the wholesale market. Introducing a soya milk product is next on the list.