Yorkshire Words Of The Week

From: C R Atkinson, Ray Mount, Far Banks, Honley, Holmfirth.

My father used the word sauflidaunce to describe an indecisive person of either sex.

He lived in Holmfirth. Recent research has failed to find anyone who knows of such a word.

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My parents also used pottyclock to describe an inefficient person. I wondered if this was based on someone who walked in an unusual manner, hence pottering. Most enjoyable column.

From: Ronald Marchant, The Paddock, York.

I ALWAYS like to read Yorkshire Words of the Week and spot the few I know. But there is more to how you say something; there is what you say.

I had been in my Suffolk parish about 25 years and I was talking to an old chap one day.

“We know you come from Yorkshire,” he said.

“How’s that?” I asked.

“You say what you think,” was the reply. Suffolk people like to keep themselves out of things.

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