Libby Squire: Police quash lipgloss and taxi driver rumours in search for Hull student

Libby Squire.Libby Squire.
Libby Squire.
Humberside Police have said in a press conference that they do not yet know if missing student Libby Squire 'has come to any harm'.

The 21-year-old disappeared on Thursday after a night out in Hull, but was later seen close to her student house on Wellesley Avenue.

Police and fellow University of Hull students have been searching for her ever since.

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Libby Squire's family say they are broken without herIn a press conference today, a senior officer said that there had been 'speculation' about items including a lipgloss and tools that were photographed near to the scene.

He reiterated that these items were not linked to the investigation, and that rumours relating to a taxi driver cruising the streets near Libby's home were also false and had not been reported to police.

He refused to answer questions about whether Libby had been abducted, but said it was not yet established that she had 'come to harm'.

She was reported missing after getting into a taxi outside the Welly Club on Beverley Road, Hull, at around 11pm on Thursday, and is believed to have got out of the vehicle a short while later near her home address on Wellesley Avenue.

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Humberside Police said that she was then helped by a motorist who pulled over after spotting her on the street, with the force adding that the man in question has since contacted them and has "really helped out" with the search.

Libby was last spotted on CCTV on Beverley Road, near to the junction with Haworth Street, at around 11.45pm on Thursday, the force added.

Police urged people living in that area to check their gardens and outbuildings in case Miss Squire had taken shelter on what was a freezing cold night. Anyone who was driving around the area between 11pm Thursday night and 3am Friday morning and has dash cam footage was also asked to come forward by contacting 101.