Rapist is finally caged, 35 years after knifepoint attack on Bradford woman

Steven BlackburnSteven Blackburn
Steven Blackburn
A RAPIST has finally gone to jail, 35 years after he attacked a woman at knifepoint when she drove into her garage in Bradford.

Steven Blackburn pounced when the 27-year-old got out of her car on a dark evening on February 11, 1981.

He raped her after holding a knife to her throat but got away with the crime until a DNA match following a cold case review, by which time he had already served nine years for raping a teenager in 1987.

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His Bradford victim was in Leeds Crown Court today to see Blackburn, recently from Oakham, Rutland, finally sent to prison for 11 years and eight months for the ordeal she suffered.

Judge Neil Clark told him: “Science back 35 years ago was not advanced as today but samples were taken and through efforts of the police continuing to look through old cases of this type they were able to identify you as the perpetrator of this unpleasant, violent, traumatic crime.”

Sophie Drake, prosecuting, said in February 1981 Blackburn, who was then 27, was in the army stationed in Edinburgh but had connections to West Yorkshire through his wife.

On the night of February 11 his victim, also then 27, left work and after visiting a tanning salon drove to her home in the Bolton area of Bradford.

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She got out of her car, opened the garage and then drove the car inside. As she reached into the back seat for a shopping bag she thought she saw an anorak nearby but thought she was mistaken.

Miss Drake said as she got out of the car “a man sprang up in front of her.” She asked him what he wanted and screamed.

Her attacker put one hand over her mouth and the other to her neck telling her: “Don’t scream, I won’t hurt you. I’ve got a knife.”

She knew that was true because she could feel the sharp point at her throat. “She was terrified and frightened for her life.”

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When she knew he had gone she drove in her car to the nearest police station and reported what had happened. Miss Drake said the forensic science service kept samples taken at the time and in 2014 a request was made for a cold case review.

Blackburn’s DNA profile was found to match. He was arrested at his home in January this year and claimed he could not be responsible saying he was stationed in Edinburgh at the time but he admitted offences when he was due to face trial.

The court heard on July 7, 1988, Blackburn was jailed for nine years at Chelmsford Crown Court for raping a 19-year-old girl the previous year after dragging her off the road.

Matthew Harding, representing Blackburn, said he accepted he could have wiped the slate clean back then and been candid about the offence in Bradford and knew he now had to be punished for it.

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Blackburn, 62, of Springfield Way, Oakham, admitted rape and possessing an offensive weapon.

Judge Clark said his victim was understandably petrified faced with a stranger threatening her with a knife. “She has had to live with this until today.”

He said from her victim impact statement she appeared an admirable woman who had tried to be positive in her life and he hoped seeing her attacker finally brought to justice would make things easier for her.

He praised West Yorkshire police for continuing to investigate such old crimes. “It is important people know even if it happened a long time ago they will persist in and this is a good example of that.”