Security alert for Yorkshire's rural communities as oil thefts start to spike amid fuel price increases

The Neighbourhood Watch Network is warning people living in the region’s rural communities to step up security measures as a spate of oil thefts begins to sweep the country.

It follows a huge increase in the cost of oil, and other household fuels, as well as the cost of living.

The price for a litre of oil is now around £1, which some people in rural areas who are not connected to the gas network have to use to heat their homes, but, in some parts of North Yorkshire, such as the Esk Valley, quotes are as much as £1.25 per litre.

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In September last year it cost around 41 pence per litre and in September 2020 it was around 28 pence per litre.

The Neighbourhood Watch Network is warning people living in the region’s rural communities to step up security measures as a spate of oil thefts begins to sweep the country.The Neighbourhood Watch Network is warning people living in the region’s rural communities to step up security measures as a spate of oil thefts begins to sweep the country.
The Neighbourhood Watch Network is warning people living in the region’s rural communities to step up security measures as a spate of oil thefts begins to sweep the country.

John Hayward-Cripps is the Chief Executive Officer of the national Neighbourhood Watch Network. He told The Yorkshire Post that he would be “very surprised” if oil thefts did not become a much more significant issue in a similar way to when lead prices increase and churches become crime targets.

He said: “There will be an increase in oil thefts, given the price, and people need to be particularly concerned. People living in towns and cities think it is country houses (that are oil-fired) but it is ordinary people, in council or rented houses, that have oil fired central heating and it is something that they just can’t afford.

“The price of oil is at a pound per litre, the price has gone up and it will likely continue to go up for a while. If you are in a built-up area, you will be on the gas grid, it will be rural communities that are more at risk. It is easier to steal because thieves are less likely to be seen. The information that we are getting, it is increasing and unlikely to stop soon.”

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North Yorkshire Police says oil theft is an issue it is concerned about due to the rising prices and last week a farm in the region was targeted by thieves, said a police spokesman.

The force’s rural task force and neighbourhood policing teams are offering bespoke security advice to farms, homes and businesses in isolated areas and also appealed for suspicious activity to be reported.

Stuart Thompson, the chairman of Glaisdale Parish Council, near Whitby, said most of the village is fuelled by oil and the issue will become a worry for people.

He added: “I have not heard of anything being stolen but it will happen, won’t it? Tanks are double skinned with a lock on but that won’t stop them (thieves) if they decide to come. They will just come and take it out, leave a mess and not be bothered about what is left, but it is a matter of keeping it as secure as you can.

“It will start to get a bit of a worry. There is very little crime round and about, we are lucky in terms of that, but will have to keep our eyes and ears open to see if there is anything.”