YP Letters: Time will tell if Leave won the vote honestly

Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson with a Brexit battlebus which made a link between EU spending and the NHS.Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson with a Brexit battlebus which made a link between EU spending and the NHS.
Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson with a Brexit battlebus which made a link between EU spending and the NHS.
From: Justin Smith, Langsett Road, Hillsborough, Sheffield.

IF I hear another Brexiteer pontificating about democracy, I think I shall scream.

Let’s get down to brass tacks, shall we? Democracy involves honesty. If it doesn’t have that, it’s not any form of democracy that I recognise, not this side of Moscow anyway. Now, we won’t labour the infamous promise to give the NHS an extra £350m a week, an outright lie, and concentrate on the issue that really swung it for the few per cent whose vote was critical in the close referendum result – “It’s the economy stupid”.

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Basically Remain said the economy would suffer, and Leave said it wouldn’t. Well it’s all going to come out in the wash so to speak, and very soon, though rather too late to be the deciding factor in how people will vote at this General Election, which, I’m certain, is not just coincidence.

So, I’ll make a bargain with the Brexiteers. I’ll respect the result of the referendum, and admit I was wrong to disparage it, if the UK gets its free trade deal, and the NHS gets its £350m a week obviously.

On the other hand, if neither occurs, I’d like the Brexiteers to come on here and admit Leave won dishonestly and the democracy they’ve been trumpeting is not democracy worthy of the name. That’s fair surely?