YP Letters: Wicked to use NHS as an emotional tool in Brexit debate

Brexit continues to dominate the political agenda.Brexit continues to dominate the political agenda.
Brexit continues to dominate the political agenda.
From: BJ Cussons, Ilkley.

DRAGGING the NHS into the European debate is not relevant as it needs handling from a totally different aspect. It is quite wicked to use this emotional tool.

If our own children more often fly the local nest, and we have so much more medical help to live longer, we should expect to pay a realistic sum into the health service. As for employment issues, didn’t we always have seasonal help from Europe? Why should that change unless it is Europe that is intractable?

From: DF Chambers, Greendale Court, Bedale.

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I IMAGINE that if the existing area of solar panels in Britain was extended by no more than four-fifths of the remaining countryside, enough electricity could be produced (on a sunny day) to allow every item of IT equipment to keep running.

The entire output of the wind turbines could then be diverted to the remaining, less vital services, except, of course, when the wind is too strong and when the special reserve of private diesel generators would be called upon. If this scenario proved over optimistic, at the first sign of the collapse of the nation, any residents in the UK could always apply to join the EU.

From: Patrick Darby, Scagglethorpe, Malton.

RE the letter from John Fisher on an EU army and the Nato spending article by Alec Shelbrooke (The Yorkshire Post, January 20), one should avoid over-optimism about the creation of an EU army (and navy and air force).

As Mr Shelbrooke writes, of the European Nato states pledged to spend two per cent of GDP on defence, only the UK, Poland, Greece and Estonia do so.

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There is obviously little appetite in the continental EU states for greater spending on defence and the creation of EU armed forces is likely to be seen by many, if not all of them, as an excuse to reduce the size of their armed forces. If I lived in a small EU state bordering Russia I would not feel that an EU army provided me with greater security than that currently provided by Nato.

Living in the UK, I would be worried that the existence of a European military structure outside Nato weakened the Western alliance.

From: Hilary Andrews, Nursery Lane, Leeds.

SO the remainers are moaning again (The Yorkshire Post, January 20). All those who oppose the will of the British people should just realise that we are leaving the EU and get on with helping to make the United Kingdom great again.