Thai ex-premier’s sister prepares to lead government

THE sister of deposed Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra has announced an agreement to form a five-party coalition government after her Pheu Thai Party won a landslide victory in the country’s parliamentary elections.

Yingluck Shinawatra, whose brother was deposed from the post of prime minister by a military coup in 2006, is set to become Thailand’s first female leader after a vote that marks a political comeback for Mr Shinawatra.

Ms Shinawatra, whose Pheu Thai Party already has won a majority of 265 seats in the 500-seat lower house of parliament according to the preliminary results of Sunday’s polling, announced an agreement that would boost her coalition to 299 seats.

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That agreement came unusually quickly for Thai politics, where hard bargaining usually takes place over allocation of cabinet seats. The pact should give Ms Shinawatra’s government-to-be some stability, especially if legal challenges under electoral law force some of her party’s lawmakers from their positions.

The Democrat Party, which has led a coalition government for more than three years, will be in opposition.

Earlier, Ms Shinawatra acknowledged huge challenges in reconciling the divided country, after an election victory seen as a rebuke of the military-backed establishment that deposed her brother.

The large mandate will probably boost Thailand’s stability in the short term – the Thai stock market rose sharply yesterday – and reduce the chance of intervention by the coup-prone armed forces.

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The victory comes a year after the government crushed protests by supporters of Mr Shinawatra with a bloody crackdown that culminated in some of the worst violence in 20 years and ended with parts of the capital ablaze in a wave of arson attacks allegedly carried out by fleeing protesters.

In a late night victory speech in Bangkok on Sunday, Ms Shinawatra said: “I don’t like to say that Pheu Thai has won, but I’d rather say the people have given the Pheu Thai Party and myself a chance to serve them.”

“There’s still a lot of work to be done in the future, in terms of the well-being of the people and for the country’s unity and reconciliation,” she said.