I survived prostate cancer thanks to an eight second rectal exam

Every hour, one man dies of prostate cancer (Photo: Shutterstock)Every hour, one man dies of prostate cancer (Photo: Shutterstock)
Every hour, one man dies of prostate cancer (Photo: Shutterstock)

With the news this morning that the number of deaths in the UK caused by prostate cancer has overtaken breast cancer-related deaths for the first time, there has never been a better time to spread awareness about the disease.

Here, prostate cancer survivor David Kurk recounts his own story – and reiterates the point that getting tested is crucial, even if the results aren’t foolproof.

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I’m not a particularly remarkable person. I moderate and host conferences for people for a living.

I’m divorced. I’m about to get re-married. I’ve got two grown-up children.

In about April 2013 I read an article about prostate cancer and it had never been on my radar before. I’d never thought about it.

And I just thought: ‘I’m kind of the right age, maybe I should go and get myself checked. What have I got to lose?’

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I’m now 59. I was 55 when I was diagnosed with prostate cancer.

It’s not an admission of weakness to talk about prostate cancer. It’s actually a strong thing to go and get checked.

Getting checked for the first time

I had a blood test and it came back negative. It actually came back at 1.8, and 4 is the marker on PSA (prostate-specific antigen).

If it’s over 4 you need to be a little bit concerned and have a look, but I was all clear. The GP there also gave me a digital rectal examination, felt nothing and said everything was fine.

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Luckily, he took a urine sample while I was there. He put some litmus paper in it and it changed colour.

He said, ‘Ah, it looks like you might have a bit of a bladder infection. I want to send you for a cystoscopy’.

It was a bit like one of those National Geographic underwater programmes – you actually see the inside of your bladder on a screen.

That was all clear too, but the registrar who conducted the cystoscopy suggested another rectal examination – belt and braces.

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‘I heard the five words I never wanted to hear’

Eight seconds of a finger up my backside has probably given me another 20 years of life.

The registrar felt a nodule and recommended a biopsy. They took a biopsy in May of 2013 and on June 11 at 2:55pm my world fell apart when I heard the five words I never wanted to hear.

‘David, unfortunately we’ve found cancer.’

About 50 per cent of my prostate was full of cancer.

'The side affects post-surgery were impotence and incontinence' (Photo: Shutterstock)

A mate of mine suggested Prostate Cancer UK, and I got in touch with them. They were fantastic.

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A nurse called John phoned me for two hours that night, so he kind of allayed my fears and we had a lot of discussions about options.

I was offered radiotherapy, brachytherapy and a radical prostatectomy – the most invasive. I opted, eventually, for the prostatectomy.

My thinking was that if I got it out of me and it hadn’t spread then it would be gone.

The impotence issue

The side affects post-surgery were impotence and incontinence. I worked on strengthening my pelvic floor to combat my loss of bladder control, and the symptoms do lessen the stronger those muscles become

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