Schools in England consider cutting staff to reduce costs: NAHT’s latest survey reveals ‘desperate’ measures

Head teacher’s union NAHT said thousands of schools in England are looking at falling into deficit unless they make significant cuts.

Many schools across England are considering cutting teachers or teaching hours to save money amid rising costs and government underfunding, said the head teacher’s union, NAHT. In a latest survey conducted by the union, of the 11,000 respondents, 66% said they will have to make teaching assistants redundant or reduce their hours, despite the £4 billion increase in school funding this year by the government.

NAHT said although school funding is increasing, costs such as pay and energy are rising fast, resulting in many school leaders considering ‘desperate’ cuts in an attempt to balance their budgets. The survey also shows that half of the people who answered say they are thinking about cutting the number of teachers or the number of hours they teach, and that almost half would have to cut support and services for children in need.

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Paul Whiteman, NAHT general secretary, said: “Schools are being hit by a perfect storm of costs. In attempting to balance their budgets, school leaders are being faced with eye-watering energy bills, spiralling costs to resources and supplies, and the financial impact of an unfunded pay increase this year. With no fat left to cut following a decade of austerity, many thousands of schools are now looking at falling into deficit unless they make swingeing cuts. Education is truly in a perilous state.”

The survey, which responses come mostly from primary schools, also reveals that more than half (54%) of schools say they will go into deficit this year, unless they make further cuts and only 5% of schools say they will be able to pay their costs next academic year (2023/2024) without going into deficit – meaning more than nine in 10 schools won’t be able to balance their budgets without drastic action. NAHT said since most schools are not permitted to operate a deficit budget, they must make significant cuts to remain in the black.

Meanwhile, close to half (47%) of schools said they would be forced to reduce non-educational support and services for children next year, meaning they would have to cut back on vital services such as counselling, therapy and mental health support. Over four in 10 (44%) said they would have to reduce spending on additional targeted interventions for pupils requiring additional support. This means pupils needing extra help or those with special educational needs and disabilities may not get the support they need.

The survey also finds that a third (31%) said they will have to reduce the number of children receiving tutoring support through the National Tutoring Programme, meaning fewer children receive Covid recovery support.

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