Doncaster Rovers reveal seven-figure loss in latest accounts

Keepmoat Stadium.Keepmoat Stadium.
Keepmoat Stadium. | jpimedia
DONCASTER ROVERS have recorded a loss of £1.85m for the last financial year, the club's latest set of accounts on Companies House have revealed.

The figure, in their accounts for the year ending June 30, 2019, comparied with a loss of £2.79m in the previous financial year.

Debt of £7.41m, with £6.41m owed to the club’s owners - specifically parent company Club Doncaster Limited - is up from £5.15m the previous year.

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The related party disclosures section in the document read: "At the year end, the Company owed an amount of £6,419,505 (2018: £5,148,100) to Club Doncaster Limited, a company in which G Baldwin, D Blunt, T Bramall and A Watson are directors.

"There are no formal repayment terms and no interest has been charged on the amounts outstanding."

It was also revealed the player sales so far in 2019-20 have since brought in just over £1million - with a significant instalment arriving from the sale of John Marquis to Portsmouth.

The post balance sheet events section read: "Since the year end the Company has disposed of the registrations of 2 players. The estimated income from these transactions net of all applicable fees and levies is £1,005,000."

The club did not sign any players for fees in 2018-19, the figures also revealed.