Legal eagles swoop to help deliver new health hub in Leeds

Legally open: Dr Russell Gillmore, Councillor Julie Heselwood, Rachel Reeves MP, Dr Mark Fuller, Dr Tim Marley and Shulmans LLP partner Simon Jackson at the official opening of the new NHS Bramley health hub.Legally open: Dr Russell Gillmore, Councillor Julie Heselwood, Rachel Reeves MP, Dr Mark Fuller, Dr Tim Marley and Shulmans LLP partner Simon Jackson at the official opening of the new NHS Bramley health hub.
Legally open: Dr Russell Gillmore, Councillor Julie Heselwood, Rachel Reeves MP, Dr Mark Fuller, Dr Tim Marley and Shulmans LLP partner Simon Jackson at the official opening of the new NHS Bramley health hub.
THE EXPERTISE of a leading Yorkshire corporate law firm has played a key role in the expansion of an NHS surgery to create a health hub for the resident of Bramley, Leeds.

Shulmans’ LLP provided expert advice throughout the complex procedure of redeveloping the surgery, which now has an additional 10 GP consultation rooms, improved access for disabled patients and space for an independent onsite opticians and pharmacy.

Working alongside NHS England, the Leeds West Clinical Commissioning Group and Leeds City Council, the extension programme began following the granting of planning permission and a loan to tender for the works.

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Due to the extent of work carried out, the doctors’ surgery now employs 48 staff, has recently become a GP training practice and is also being used by the hospital trust as a secondment location, enabling trainee nurses gain vital experience in primary care.

Simon Jackson, head of Shulmans’ commercial property development team, said: “The complex legalities involved in bringing independent and NHS care providers together was a challenging process, but one that we feel was successful; we hope it will set a precedent for other surgeries looking to expand their services.

“The process involved working with the private sector to secure a letting to a 100-hour week pharmacy, one of the last to be granted in the UK, and an optician’s practice for the doctors. From the outset we worked with the practice not just as their lawyers but as their trusted advisors, providing legal advice from specialists in their field, including our Head of Construction Phillip Morrison, who negotiated the intricate construction elements within the deal.”

Dr Russell Gillmore, senior partner and GP at Manor Park Surgery, said: “The improvements made to the surgery will benefit our current patients and indeed generations of Bramley families to come. We consulted with local councilors and residents to ensure we were giving them a surgery that offers the very best in patient care and also with a desire to create somewhere that would improve overall lifestyle and reduce social isolation – a big undertaking but definitely something that we feel that we’ve achieved.

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“We’re delighted with Shulmans’ work; the firm was intrinsic to the success of the project and brought a unique set of skills and professionalism to the process.”

Rachel Reeves, Labour MP for Leeds West, who performed the opening ceremony, said: “It’s most rewarding to open such a medical centre here in Leeds, offering both mental and physical health services, including minor surgery, under one roof. I’m honoured to play a small part in such an integral element of the community.”

The architect for the project was Chris Eyres, with Dobson Construction Ltd, Watsons, with Shulmans LLP and RBS playing pivotal roles in the success of the project.