On The Spot With Gary Hibberd

Gary HibberdGary Hibberd
Gary Hibberd
Gary Hibberd is a director at the Agenci, which is a Leeds-based specialist in information security and business continuity.

What was your first job?

I was on a YTS scheme and worked at Gleeson Builders in Sheffield.

If not in your present job, what would you like to do?

I’d love to be a travel writer.

What was your worst mistake?

When I was a YTS I was responsible for filling up the coffee machine and I mixed up the soup and the coffee dispenser. When people selected white coffee with sugar they got oxtail soup with milk and sugar.

What would be your ideal day away from the office?

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Travel to the coast, a few hours sea kayaking with the family, then sitting down in a nice country pub next to an open fire for some good food and a few real ales to warm me up!

Name one person you would most like to have dinner with.

Sir Winston Churchill.

What was your best subject at school?

Probably English.

What would you do if you won the Lottery?

Invest it into our business and keep on doing what I’m doing... and also buy a DB9!

What is your top time-saving tip?


What is your favourite time of day and why?

Sitting down with the family at the end of the day and talking through the day’s events.

What is your favourite garment?

My training shoes are very important to me and together we’ve done a few miles!

What’s the best thing about being in Yorkshire?

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What’s not to love? Of course I’m going to say the people, but it’s also the fact that you have the choice of a busy nightlife or can spend it in the country in a quiet restaurant/pub.

What would you like your epitaph to be?

I’m a fan of Spike Milligan so it would probably be “I told you I was ill”.

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