The Tanning Shop becomes latest addition to Crystal Peaks shpping centre in Sheffield

Crystal Peaks in Sheffield.Crystal Peaks in Sheffield.
Crystal Peaks in Sheffield.
A national tanning chain is opening its first store in Sheffield at the Crystal Peaks shopping centre next month.

The Tanning Shop, which will have tanning beds in-store, including Hapro Vegaz technology, will open the site in February.

Adam Mooney, founder of Tanning Shop parent company The Feel Good Group, said: “We are excited about the opening In Sheffield as it marks the start of an expansive investment in The business during 2022.

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“This investment will lead to an additional 10 stores opened by June of this year, with the creation of 60 new positions opened in the business.

“Our objective is certainly to have well above 100 company stores by the end of the calendar year 2022.”

Lee Greenwood, centre manager at Crystal Peaks, said: “We are delighted to be welcoming The Tanning Shop to the centre.

“After a difficult couple of years for the retail industry nationally, Crystal Peaks enjoyed a very successful end to 2021 with encouraging visitor numbers and strong sales over the Christmas period and we have gone into 2022 with a renewed sense of optimism for the future.

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“The arrival of The Tanning Shop is the first of a string of launches scheduled for the coming months, all of which we believe will prove extremely popular with our visitors.”

The Tanning Shop launched in 1991.


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