Crombie Wilkinson: positive action for business resilience

Contracts, property, land, succession planning and more: here’s how farming businesses can sign up for a free legal health checkContracts, property, land, succession planning and more: here’s how farming businesses can sign up for a free legal health check
Contracts, property, land, succession planning and more: here’s how farming businesses can sign up for a free legal health check
A law firm with deep seated roots in supporting Yorkshire’s farming community, offers a free initial legal health-check – called the Farm Business Resilience Plan - to farming and rural businesses so they don’t face issues in the future that are preventable.

The past 18 months have taught us all that resilience is key to survival – and that resilience comes in many forms for farming and rural businesses.

Crombie Wilkinson, a leading legal firm in the region for more than 150 years, supports farmers and farming businesses in a number of ways, giving them the tools to be resilient and flexible in an ever changing world. The positive resilience planning and actions can be at a business level, or personal level, whatever the client needs.

As part of being involved with the first Country Week Conference in October, sponsor Crombie Wilkinson is offering a free initial legal health check to farming and rural businesses, covering everything from contract reviews post-Brexit including employment, property, tenancies and business structures, estate and succession planning with the family or even simply getting your Will up-to-date; if you fill in the legal health check questionnaire before or after the conference, the team will generate a free initial review to then discuss with you.

Clair Douglas: "Resilience is our main focus with them in a positive way."Clair Douglas: "Resilience is our main focus with them in a positive way."
Clair Douglas: "Resilience is our main focus with them in a positive way."

Clair Douglas, director and head of the agricultural law and landed estates team at Crombie Wilkinson Solicitors, said: “We support farmers and farming business – resilience is our main focus with them in a positive way – and our legal health check is one of our key tools.”

She will be co-hosting a panel session at the Country Week Conference discussing resilience in farming, what support is available for businesses and individuals and showing how positive action and support can move farmers forward.

Clair added: “We support farm businesses when they have an immediate issue they need help with but more importantly, we want to make sure we work closely with them and advise them on business resilience so they don’t face issues in the future that are preventable.

“We also support the farming family, offering specialist legal advice on estate planning and succession planning.”

Crombie Wilkinson also has a network of contacts and professionals working alongside them … no matter what the issue you may be facing is, they are there to help. The firm also has an exclusive Client Club, where they get to know you, your business and your family and offer unparalleled ongoing legal services delivered under their Service Pledge.

What is the Farm Business Resilience Plan?

Most of all, it is an important way to review your business and get guidance and support for any processes or documentation you have.

Matters covered in the initial free health check could include:

Property matters (including ownership, tenancies, land registration)

Estate planning (including Wills, Lasting Powers of Attorney, Trust Deeds etc.)

Business structures

Share farming

Contract farming

Rights of Way

Succession planning



About Crombie Wilkinson

Crombie Wilkinson has been an NFU legal panel firm for the North East region since 2008, and a Legal 500 firm for agricultural private client, supporting farming and the rural community for decades. Despite having its roots in the region going back to the 1860s, it is a modern, dynamic business and is very proactive among the region’s young farming community. It has a team of over 80 staff with expertise in a wide range of topics standing by to help.

Clair added: “Our long-standing trusted relationship with the rural and farming community in our region is enriched when we assist our agricultural and rural community in a variety of ways, including recognising their achievements at events like the Rural Awards, and by giving our continued support to the British farming and food sector.”

Crombie Wilkinson Solicitors has offices in York, Selby, Malton and Pickering.

Supporting the Yorkshire Post Country Week Conference and Rural Awards 2021

Clair said: “We are thrilled to have been approached by the Yorkshire Post to take part in their first Country Week Conference. It makes it even more exceptional to be sharing one of the panel sessions at the conference with our NFU colleagues.

“We have worked closely with Adam Bedford, a Regional Director at the NFU and his team for many years as one of their two legal panel firms in the North East region, supporting the needs of the farming, rural business and rural community across Yorkshire.

“We are looking forward to sharing our knowledge and expertise around building resilience in your business to protect you as well as others involved and interacting with the audience and getting their input at this event.”

How to get your free legal health check?

Do you want a free initial legal health check review from one of Yorkshire’s leading businesses? Simply click here and email Clair Douglas to request the Farm Business Resilience Plan questionnaire, fill in some key details and return to Clair and the team at Crombie Wilkinson will be in touch.

Find out more about their agricultural law services here.

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