Strange cat behaviours explained: here’s why your pet licks, eats grass and brings you ‘gifts’ according to experts

Cat behaviour is often misunderstood by us humans, which has sadly given them the reputation for being indifferent or aloof.Cat behaviour is often misunderstood by us humans, which has sadly given them the reputation for being indifferent or aloof.
Cat behaviour is often misunderstood by us humans, which has sadly given them the reputation for being indifferent or aloof.
With International Cat Day having passed at the start of the month, this is the perfect time to spoil your feline friend

It’s no surprise that cat owners have been googling questions about cat behaviour recently, after months spent cosying up with feline friends during lockdown.

Cat behaviour is often misunderstood by us humans, which has sadly given them the reputation for being indifferent or aloof.

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However, as every cat owner knows, this isn’t true, and often their strange behaviours are signs that our love for them is very mutual.

So, just in time for International Cat Day on Saturday 8 August, here are some seemingly strange cat behaviours explained by pet food experts Canagan, to help you understand your mysterious kitty a bit better.


From a young age, a cat’s mother would not only lick them as a way of grooming, but also to show affection.

So when your cat starts to lick you, don’t be alarmed by its rough tongue, as they are simply replicating this behaviour to strengthen their social bond with you and show you their love.


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Again, this is another habit which stems from kittenhood, but one that often gets cats into trouble with owners with expensive upholstery, who don't fully understand them. When cats are very young, they will knead their mothers’ stomach to stimulate milk flow from her teats.

When a cat is grown, they will continue this behaviour whenever they are feeling happy and comfortable.

You have probably noticed that cats tend to knead a soft item such as a cushion, or perhaps your lap. This should be taken as a compliment, that your cat feels comfortable around you.
