Attacker in BMW cut up car outside school then assaulted driver

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Did you witness the assault?
A BMW driver cut up another car outside a secondary school then went on to attack the 66-year-old man who was behind the wheel.

Police today appealed for witnesses to the assault, which took place in a North East Lincolnshire village on Monday morning.

The victim was driving a Ford Galaxy when a grey BMW pulled up directly in front of him, causing him to stop the car.

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After getting out of his car, the BMW driver approached the driver’s side of the Ford and punched the victim in the face through the open window.

The suspect then got back in his car and drove off.

The assault took place at around 7am outside Healing Comprehensive School, in Low Road, Healing.

A Humberside Police spokesman said the victim suffered a black eye and bloodied nose, but did not need medical treatment.

The suspect is described as a white man, aged in his mid-30s and between 5ft 6in and 5ft 7in, with short dark hair.

Anyone who witnessed the assault or knows the identity of the BMW driver is asked to call 101, quoting log 69 of 31/10/16.

Information can also be passed to Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.