'˜Creepy' Pc flashed pensioner wearing policeman's cape

Stuart Moore, 53, hides his face as he arrives at Bradford Crown Court. Picture: Ross Parry AgencyStuart Moore, 53, hides his face as he arrives at Bradford Crown Court. Picture: Ross Parry Agency
Stuart Moore, 53, hides his face as he arrives at Bradford Crown Court. Picture: Ross Parry Agency
A MARRIED policeman exposed himself to an elderly woman, while wearing a policeman's cape and asking her, 'What do you think of that?'.

Stuart Moore, 53, turned up at the 83-year-old woman’s back door dressed in “an old-fashioned policeman’s cape”, before opening it to expose himself.

A court heard that the officer, who has more than 25 years experience, mistakenly believed there was a romantic relationship between the two.

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But a previous court hearing was told that the pensioner called Moore “creepy”.

After catching sight of Moore’s nether regions, the woman, who cannot be identified, told him to go away and then hid in her living room.

She told the court: “I was shocked and shaking, and thought what am I going to do.”

David McGonigal, prosecuting, told Bradford Crown Court that the pensioner had been badly affected by the incident.

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He said: “She has lived in the same house for about 48 years.

“There are four matters that still worry her. One his the fear of seeing Mr Moore at her home or in the vicinity of her home.

“When there is a knock on her door there is a fear it is this defendant.

“Two is the embarrassment of talking about events with her family and the stress of waiting for trial and the questions that were put to her that she was having an ongoing sexual type of relationship.

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“Rightly or wrongly she fears that people are talking about it in her locality.

“The defendant had been talking to the complainant over a period of weeks or months leading up to this.

“There was some suggestion on the part of the defendant that there was some sexual interest in the complainant.”

Moore, from Huddersfield, had been found guilty of one count of indecent exposure and one count of sexual assault following a trial at the same court.

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Mr McGonigal said Moore had sexually assaulted another woman when he touched her bottom while the pair were walking dogs in a park together.

The prosecutor said the woman, who also cannot be named, initially had not wanted to press charges against Moore and only did so after hearing about his other offence.

Chloe Fairley, mitigating, said Moore had been dependent on alcohol at the time of the offences, which took place between June and October 2015.

She said he had turned to drink after suffering an accident while serving with the police.

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Ms Fairley said: “The person that he was in October last year is not the person he is today.

“This is a man who has dedicated his life to working for the community as a police officer and it is clear he will no longer be able to do that.”

Ms Fairley said Moore had not been able to return to the family home since being charged with the offences and was living in a caravan having previously been staying with friends.

Sentencing Moore, Judge David Hatton QC said: “Prior to the matters that now cause you to be before the court you were a man of impeccable character.

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“I’ve read numerous documents about you and it is clear to me that these two offences aside you have lived a totally blameless life that has been a considerable benefit to others.

“For various reasons, including a serious accident, you turned to drink and because dependent on it.

“At the time of these two offences you were in a dark and lonely place and these two offence were out of character, when your powers of judgement were considerably impaired.

“You have been punished significantly already by the loss of your career and your family life at present has been devastated.”

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Moore was handed a three-year community order, given a rehabilitation activity requirement for 60 days, ordered to sign the sex offenders’ register for five years and was handed an indefinite restraining order preventing him from contacting his two victims.