Historic vehicles back on the road again for North's largest car show

PIC: Simon HulmePIC: Simon Hulme
PIC: Simon Hulme
MOTOR enthusiasts took a sun-kissed spin down memory lane at the North of England's largest classic car show.

The Historical Vehicle Rally was staged yesterday in the stunning surroundings of Newby Hall and Gardens, near Ripon in North Yorkshire.

Transport on display at the rally – held at Newby Hall for the 30th year – ranged from vintage ambulances and American military vehicles through to classic cars such as Aston Martins and Wolseleys.

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Exhibitors travelled from all over the country to the event, which was organised by the North East Pre-War Austin Club. Some of those attending threw themselves into the spirit of the occasion by dressing up in vintage outfits.

Newby Hall commercial director Stuart Gill hailed the rally as “an event not to be missed”.

He said: “The grandeur of Newby Hall creates the perfect backdrop to complement these stunning cars.”

Newby Hall was also the place to be for transport lovers last month, when it helped stage a two-day Tractor Fest event focusing on the legacy of Henry Ford.

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