How they're reviving the Yorkshire village fete with a cast bigger than Ben Hur

Lady Florence Bell at the original production at Mount Grace Priory near Northallerton, in 1927Lady Florence Bell at the original production at Mount Grace Priory near Northallerton, in 1927
Lady Florence Bell at the original production at Mount Grace Priory near Northallerton, in 1927
IT WAS a village show with a cast bigger than Ben Hur.

Deep within the North York Moors exactly 90 years ago, in the woodland setting of the 14th century Mount Grace Priory, more than 1,000 people, a team of horses and a dancing bear put on a pageant so big they talk about it still.

There is even a film of it, though without a soundtrack, for it predated talking pictures.

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As far as anyone knows, none of the cast, nor any of the thousands who saw it from the grandstand, survives. But tomorrow, it will be revived for a new generation.