Labour's political timing shows a lack of talent - Yorkshire Post Letters

Sir Keir Starmer: Jacob King/PA.Sir Keir Starmer: Jacob King/PA.
Sir Keir Starmer: Jacob King/PA.
From: Roger Backhouse, Upper Poppleton, York.

ACCORDING to Bill Carmichael (The Yorkshire Post, December 3) Labour’s front bench are talented. Really? I am unimpressed with their political timing.

Some like Wes Streeting have a National Union of Students background – a body where backstabbing is normal politics, however offputting to ordinary folk.

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The front bench team showed little political skill lately. Angela Rayner recently gave a major speech on cleaning up politics, a winning subject for Labour.

The impact was lost by Sir Keir Starmer’s ineptly timed reshuffle of which she was not informed. BBC Radio 4 had a field day talking of a rift between Leader and Deputy instead of her speech.

In May, Keir Starmer attempted to demote Angela Rayner just when mayoral elections were largely Labour successes. A good news story lost any impact in press reports of a row.

Now press reports suggest front bench colleagues are openly denigrating Angela Rayner, even criticising her clothes.

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There is more than a hint of a well-educated bunch ganging up to undermine one of the few leading Labour members who is resolutely working class. It is not a pretty sight and will ultimately damage Labour.

From: Adrian F Sunman, South Collingham, Newark.

John Cole may well think that a coalition of Labour, Lib Dems and Greens could oust the Tories. However he should be careful what he wishes for.

Such a coalition would inevitably be led by Labour with Sir Keir Starmer as Prime Minister. I have yet to hear Mr Starmer, aka Captain Hindsight, say anything original or contribute any useful suggestions as to how the Government might deal with the current problems facing the country.

The best he could do this week was prattle on about something which may or may not have happened in Downing Street 12 months ago. I certainly don’t want him as PM.

From: ME Wright, Harrogate.

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Tom Richmond is being far too kind when he states that “there are times when our MPs do themselves no favours” (The Yorkshire Post, December 4).

This does not apply to them all; but the current Downing Street cabal have confirmed global self-aggrandisement as their raison d’etre on a grand scale.