YP Letters: Why this Kirby Misperton resident is sick of the anti-frackers

The Kirby Misperton fracking camp.The Kirby Misperton fracking camp.
The Kirby Misperton fracking camp.
From: Tina Dougherty, Kirby Misperton.

I’M sick of the anti-frackers. They annoy us and disrupt our day-to-day lives. Their disgusting camp at the end of the road is beyond belief.

I’ve never seen anything like it. They don’t listen to us, the real villagers, if we voice our opinion. I did so the other night. All I got was abuse.

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They have tried handing leaflets out to children and adults outside my youngest child’s school. I told them in no uncertain words what I thought and reported them to the school office and, let’s just say, they moved on rather quickly.

The grass verges outside the well site, in my 43 years of living here, have never looked so appalling. They actually don’t care.

Instead of causing trouble and upsetting all the locals, and making our lives a misery on a daily basis and stopping genuine people from doing their jobs, whether it be lorry drivers bringing things in or the staff working on site, they should stop victimising people going about their daily lives.

From: Ron Wright, Crambeck Village, Welburn, York.

NATURALLY any form of non-violent direct action is liable to be a nuisance. It is liable to be inconvenient and tiresome, or at least perceived as such by others who are out of sympathy with our campaign.

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It is my believe that North Yorkshire Police deliberately escalated the level of disruption caused during any direct action by over-reacting and implementing complete road closures.

I believe that NYP has created a hostile environment deliberately in an attempt to persuade the residents of Kirby Misperton and the local community against exercising their human right to protest against Third Energy in its desire to frack our countryside.

The police want to be able to say that all the opposition is from professional protesters and not from the locals.

This is mistaken.

From: Rosalind Field, Gilling East.

I LIVE about 10 miles from Kirby Misperton and know several people living there.

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This is not just about Kirby Misperton – it is not just one well. The industry have made it clear that they see fracking at KM as the green light for rolling out the industry all over the North.

We – the residents of Kirby Misperton and the rest of us in Yorkshire – will have got off very lightly if all that we have to put up with is a few traffic delays.