Stars turn to singing the brews in praise of local tea

IN A world of sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll, it would seem to be an unlikely tipple of choice.

But forget about a Jack Daniels and Coke or a glass of Cristal champagne, a growing legion of musicians and celebrities are instead opting to switch on the kettle for a cup of Yorkshire Tea.

Famous names including Noel Gallagher, Madonna and Ozzy Osbourne have long held a soft spot for the brand, but they are being joined by a lengthening list of celebrity endorsements.

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And word is spreading across the globe as they use the social networking site, Twitter, to sing the praises of the humble cuppa produced by Taylors of Harrogate.

Yorkshire Tea was mentioned 32,000 times on the internet in the past 30 days, compared with just 1,200 occasions in the same period last year as a new generation of fans attempt to glean more information.