Hull FC boss Andy Last names his semi side and Man of Steel

ANDY Last says he will give the same 17 who thrived so well in last week’s elimination play-off success the chance to repeat that feat against Wigan Warriors tomorrow night - and guide Hull FC to only their second-ever Super League Grand Final.

Despite finishing sixth, the Airlie Birds are now just 80 minutes from the showpiece after four successive victories but must win at the League Leaders Shield winners to secure their place.

The East Yorkshire were outstanding in the 27-14 win at Warrington Wolves last week, when centre Carlos Tuimavave switched to stand-off so in-form Jake Connor could continue at full-back, and interim head coach Last sees no reason why he should alter his plans for the semis.

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“That will be the team this week,” he said, with the unused Josh Jones being replaced by Jack Brown in their only change to the 21-man squad.

“The way the guys performed last week, that 17 will be available for us for this game against Wigan.

“And I do feel as though Carlos will be better in terms of his own individual performance on Thursday because of the run he had last week and the fact that he had another week of training under his belt in that position.

“We’re looking for another performance from one to 17 where they all continue and if we get that there’s every chance we’ll get a result against Wigan.

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"There was a quite clear lift in intensity for the Warrington game and that's the case leading into this, too.

Hull FC's Marc Sneyd and coach Andy Last after their side's play-off victory over Warrington Wolves. (Allan McKenzie/ FC's Marc Sneyd and coach Andy Last after their side's play-off victory over Warrington Wolves. (Allan McKenzie/
Hull FC's Marc Sneyd and coach Andy Last after their side's play-off victory over Warrington Wolves. (Allan McKenzie/

"We don't have to play too much on the emotional side of it all - the players know how important it is being just 80 minutes from a Grand Final.

"They need to be at their very best so there's more focus on performance and their individual jobs. If they do that, it gives us the best chance."

Meanwhile, Wigan have two players in the running for Steve Prescott Man of Steel - Australian superstar full-back Bevan French and the more industrious English second-row Liam Farrell.

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They are competing with Huddersfield Giants captain Aidan Sezer, Castleford Tigers hooker Paul McShane and St Helens full-back Lachlan Coote for the award which will be announced on Monday.

But there is only one contender for Last.

“For me I feel the player of the season is Liam Farrell,” he said, about the 30-year-old who has not played for England since 2016 but is currently playing some of the best football of his career.

“He’s been absolutely outstanding for Wigan. When you talk about a Man of Steel I think about people who are consistent performers week in week out and I think Liam is an eight, nine, ten out of ten player on a regular basis,

“He’s been sensational for them and will cause our left edge a lot of problems with his fitness and relentless nature, the lines that he runs and he’s really struck up a good relationship with Jackson Hastings on that left edge.

“If it was me, Liam Farrell would be my Man of Steel.”