Scale of Armstrong accusations is most shocking – Hoy

Sir Chris Hoy says the damning report labelling Lance Armstrong as “a serial drugs cheat” is depressing for cycling – but he hopes the sport can now move on from the scandal.

Hoy admitted to being shocked at the contents of the report by the US Anti-Doping Administration (USADA) which claimed Armstrong enforced a drugs culture at the US Postal team.

Armstrong, who recovered from cancer to dominate professional cycling, has been stripped of his seven Tour de France titles – although his lawyers have described the USADA report as “a farce”.

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Hoy said: “It’s so depressing because of the guy’s books he wrote that were inspirational to people with cancer, and his cancer charity on one side doing so many positive things. Then you find out this.

“I think it’s the scale of it that’s really shocked people as well as who it is. The number of people involved, it’s on a huge scale.

“But, we have to move on, this did happen many years ago and there are so many things that are happening now that are far happier and far more pleasant to talk about and British cycling hopefully can move on.”

Armstrong has repeatedly denied accusations of doping. But in August the 41-year-old announced he would not fight the doping charges filed against him by USADA, saying in a statement he was “finished with this nonsense” and insisting he was innocent.