Bowie and Winehouse help fuel highest vinyl sales since 1997

David BowieDavid Bowie
David Bowie
The vinyl revival stepped up a grove today as retailer HMV estimated that it will sell 1.5 million LPs in 2016, its highest amount for nearly 20 years.

The surge in interest has been driven by high sales of the likes of David Bowie’s final album Blackstar and Amy Winehouse’s Back to Black album. Official Charts data for 2016 shows that LPs are on track to break through the three million unit mark for the first time in more than 20 years.

Gennaro Castaldo, Director of Communications at BPI, said: “Sales of vinyl have risen dramatically since their low point in 2007, with over 2 million LPs purchased last year for the first time in more than two decades.

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“With no let-up in sight, the BPI has every expectation this trend will continue, and estimates that up to 3.5 million LPs or more could be purchased during the course of 2016.


“The major investment we are seeing in vinyl from hmv and other retailers alongside the commitment of labels and the artists themselves, can only add further impetus to this remarkable growth.”

HMV, which radically cut the amount of stores it operates nationally in the face of growing demand for digital music as opposed to physical releases, is anticipating its highest level of vinyl sales since 1997.

Ian Topping, chief executive HMV said: “As the UK’s largest vinyl retailer, hmv has expanded its offer considerably in 2016 due to the ever-growing demand from our customers. The strong resurgence of vinyl is set to continue as the highlight of the UK entertainment industry - expect vinyl to be top of the Father’s Day gift list this year.”

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