Art and crafts charity Artizan opens doors to its Harrogate shop

An arts and craft social enterprise that helps people with disabilities both here in the UK and across developing countries such as Peru and Ecuador has opened its first shop in Harrogate after the space was donated by the Harrogate Hub and an anonymous donor.

Artizan International used to run weekly craft sessions for adults and children based in Bilton. Instead of just selling the crafts they make online, they are able to showcase their products directly to the public and raise more money through the shop on Oxford Street.

Susie Hart MBE, managing director of Artizan, said: “We had to swap from face to face craft sessions to video tutorials and zoom get togethers, sending out over 100 craft packs a month to keep people going whilst also refurbishing and renovating the new shop it has been a huge challenge for all the UK team.

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"Alongside this we also have teams out in Peru & Ecuador, all of whom had to stop their craft production during their lockdowns, resulting in them having no income.

Susie Hart MBE, managing director of Artizan, said: “We had to swap from face to face craft sessions to video tutorials and zoom get togethers".Susie Hart MBE, managing director of Artizan, said: “We had to swap from face to face craft sessions to video tutorials and zoom get togethers".
Susie Hart MBE, managing director of Artizan, said: “We had to swap from face to face craft sessions to video tutorials and zoom get togethers".

"This also presented us with another problem needing the goods they make for the new shop. Thankfully the local community have pulled together with groups like the Harrogate Scrubbers sewing for us. It really has been an overwhelming experience."

While initially just a retail outlet, the charity plans to open a café as part of the shop in the new year, staffed by people with hearing disabilities.


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The shop hopes to add a cafe in the new year.The shop hopes to add a cafe in the new year.
The shop hopes to add a cafe in the new year.

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