Seven Yorkshire sex crime victims have ‘no-charge’ decisions reversed

Lord Greville Janner, who will be now be prosecuted over alleged child abuseLord Greville Janner, who will be now be prosecuted over alleged child abuse
Lord Greville Janner, who will be now be prosecuted over alleged child abuse
SEVEN victims of sexual offences in Yorkshire have had the decision not to prosecute their alleged attacker overturned after applying for a review under the same scheme that has seen Labour peer Lord Janner charged with 22 counts of abuse.

Since the Crown Prosecution Service launched its Victims’ Right to Review (VRR) scheme in 2013, 17 of the 163 applications made in Yorkshire and the Humber, just over a tenth, have seen the decision not to prosecute overturned.

But according to figures seen by The Yorkshire Post, the proportion overturned is much higher for sexual offences, where seven of the 33 cases that have been appealed have seen the decision not to charge or to discontinue a criminal case reversed by prosecutors.

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Earlier this week it was announced that 86-year-old Lord Janner, a former MP for Leicester West, will be prosecuted over claims of historical child sexual abuse after a review overturned a decision by the director of public prosecutions.

Alison Saunders initially ruled that a case against him could not proceed because of the extent of the 86-year-old’s dementia, despite sufficient evidence to bring a case.