Man left with facial scars and nerve damage following Sheffield nightclub attack, court hears

A 20-year-old man has been put behind bars for leaving a man with facial scars and nerve damage, after he attacked him with a glass bottle while in a Sheffield nightclub.A 20-year-old man has been put behind bars for leaving a man with facial scars and nerve damage, after he attacked him with a glass bottle while in a Sheffield nightclub.
A 20-year-old man has been put behind bars for leaving a man with facial scars and nerve damage, after he attacked him with a glass bottle while in a Sheffield nightclub.
A 20-year-old man has been put behind bars for leaving a man with facial scars and nerve damage, after he attacked him with a glass bottle while in a Sheffield nightclub.

Recorder Felicity Davies sentenced Drew Hackett to 27-months in prison for the shocking attack and for a further count of cocaine possession during a hearing at Sheffield Crown Court on Monday.

The court was told how Hackett, 20, caused 'dreadful injuries' to the young man he attacked - including a number of lacerations to his face and neck as well as a cut to his left eye which resulted in nerve damage.

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The altercation took place after Hackett, of St Phillip's Road, Netherthorpe barged into the man while on the dancefloor of a Sheffield nightclub on November 26, 2016 and his victim subsequently responded by pushing him back.

Passing sentence, Recorder Davies told Hackett: "You barged into the complainant which knocked his drink. He, not surprisingly, pushed you away. You, having hold of a bottle, smashed that bottle over his head and face.

"Not content with that heavy blow, which itself caused injury, you followed up using the by now, broken and dangerous, glass.

"You used it at least twice more, hitting him about the head and neck, causing dreadful injuries."

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Hackett's victim was left with scarring to his face, which has led to him feeling 'self conscious' and like he needs to 'keep his hood up when he is at work so people don't judge him', said Bev Tait, prosecuting.

She added: "He's tried to reduce the scarring by using creams. It's changed his life, it's caused nerve damage."

When arrested for the attack, Hackett, then aged 19, was also found with two packets of cocaine in his underwear, and another packet in his sock.

He pleaded guilty to one count of wounding, and one count of possession of cocaine at an earlier hearing.

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