Catherine Scott: MP cries foul, but TV sexists show it’s still not a level playing field

How unfortunate that a Tory MP’s clarion call to end the modern scourge of appalling sexism doled out to men by obnoxious, bigoted feminists, should fall on the same day that male sports presenters Richard Keys and Andy Gray were outed for making bigoted comments about the professional abilities of female football officials.

Dominic Raab, MP for Esher and Walton, said men were flagrantly discriminated against these days, blamed for the banking crisis, unfairly treated for parental leave and retirement, and ignored by the child custody courts. He’s suggesting an uprising.

“Maybe it’s time men started burning their briefs, to put to an end, once and for all, to what Emmeline Pankhurst used to call ‘the double standard of sex morals’,” he wrote for the website.