We are no better informed on Brexit now than we were in referendum - Yorkshire Post Letters

Are voters better informed about Brexit now than they were in 2016 when the UK voted to leave the EU?Are voters better informed about Brexit now than they were in 2016 when the UK voted to leave the EU?
Are voters better informed about Brexit now than they were in 2016 when the UK voted to leave the EU?
From: Robert Bottamley, Thorn Road, Hedon.

DAVID Cragg-James (The Yorkshire Post, April 3) offers the familiar suggestion that we are better informed than in 2016. Frankly, I doubt that is true for most people.

In any event, if we assume MPs to be better informed than members of the public, their superior knowledge appears not to have done a great deal to deliver clarity or unity in Parliament.

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The principle of ‘respecting the will of the people’ (dismissed so readily by your correspondent) appears to be the one constant amid the chaos of their claims and counter-claims?

Mr Cragg-James next develops his argument with a quote from Burke: “Your representative owes you, not his industry only, but his judgement; and he betrays instead of serving you, if he sacrifices it to your opinion.”

If by this, I am to understand that our representatives serve us best when they convey their views and best advice even where it contradicts popular opinion, then I agree. But if, on the other hand, Burke’s words are used to imply that our MPs serve us by disregarding the wishes of the majorities that elected them, then I profoundly disagree. In such a circumstance, who do they represent but themselves?

Your correspondent rejects the view that Brexit cannot be abandoned because it was a manifesto pledge.

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He does so on grounds that politicians have broken other election promises.

But bad behaviour cannot be justified on grounds that it was preceded by similar bad behaviour.

Mr Cragg-James points to ‘the noble ideals underlying the European project’. I offer him Shakespeare: ‘Lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds.’

From: Canon Michael Storey, Healey Wood Road, Brighouse.

THE Royal College of Physicians requires a 60 per cent majority before it will change its policies.

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The Church of England requires 66 per cent before a change can be made in Canon Law. If David Cameron had required a sensible per cent majority in favour of Brexit before the Government would make changes, the ensuing chaos might have been avoided.

From: Barrie Crowther, Walton, Wakefield.

IT is now time for those who want a clean break to join together under one banner and fight to be free. Nigel Farage’s new Brexit party could be the gel to glue the different factions of leave together.