YP Letters: A grand day out at the show made us proud

A rider from Atkinson Action Horses performs acrobatics  during their display at the Great Yorkshire Show in Harrogate.A rider from Atkinson Action Horses performs acrobatics  during their display at the Great Yorkshire Show in Harrogate.
A rider from Atkinson Action Horses performs acrobatics during their display at the Great Yorkshire Show in Harrogate.
From: Janet Berry, Barfield Bar Lane, Hambleton.

The Great Yorkshire Show was brilliant this year. We set off at 7.30am and left at 5pm. So you can tell we were not bored.

We so enjoyed the fashion show which showed much more wearable clothes and lots of modern tweed designs. My favorite was a fabulous long mixed tweed ball gown – fabulous.

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We then had an enjoyable lunch at the CLA marquee. Cold meats, salads, gorgeous desserts and a jug of punch.

The main arena showed off prime cattle of a high standard and lots of well behaved small calves, very impressive.

My favorite part, however, was the stunt riders, Atkinson Action Horses of Howden.

I had no idea that these farmers were responsible for training horses and providing stunt doubles for my favorite TV programme, Poldark.

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The horses were beautiful and performed marvellous acrobatic stunts.

It was definitely the highlight of my day. Atkinson have appeared on many other TV shows such as Victoria as well as films.

The weather was superb on Wednesday the day we went to the show. It was definitely the best one I have experienced and, may I say, it made you proud to be from Yorkshire.

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