Don’t pay attention to Tony Blair and Remainer has-beens over Brexit – Yorkshire Post letters

Former premier Tony Blair remains an outspoken critic of Brexit.Former premier Tony Blair remains an outspoken critic of Brexit.
Former premier Tony Blair remains an outspoken critic of Brexit.
From: Janet Berry, Barfield.

WHY do the media insist on speaking to people like Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, Michael Heseltine, Ken Clarke and Sir John Major, all old has-beens?

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We are all heartily sick of the lot of them. We want Boris Johnson, and we want Brexit on October 31. I hope when this is resolved that troublemakers like John Bercow and Dominic Grieve are dismissed along with anyone else who does not support the Prime Minister.

Tory grandee Michael Heseltine is opposed to a no-deal Brexit.Tory grandee Michael Heseltine is opposed to a no-deal Brexit.
Tory grandee Michael Heseltine is opposed to a no-deal Brexit.

It is they who are not democratic – they are just following their personal opinions vanity and ambitions. The sooner they go, the better.

From: Arthur Quarmby, Mill Moor Road, Meltham.

THE more people protest, the less chance of the EU offering compromise. Only if Boris Johnson is clearly winning will they discuss terms.

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There is a chance now that the Remainers will triumph, and Britain will become forever a state within the United States of Europe. That seems to be what London wishes. We forget that Yorkshire voted out – with the rest of the country.

From: George McManus, Long Riston.

PEOPLE are rightly furious at Boris Johnson’s authoritarian announcement regarding the prorogueing of Parliament. As one Labour commentator said: “I voted Leave to increase democracy, not to reduce it. This is outrageous.”

Johnson is clearly set on a no-deal Brexit but being the cynical person he is, he’s looking to blame everyone else for the catastrophe about to unfold. He can’t get away with blaming Theresa May or Jeremy Corbyn any more, so he’ll blame the EU for being intransigent.

From: Phyllis Capstick, Hellifield.

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EVERY politician, and others who have actively rejected the democratic will of the people, are traitors to our country and to our democracy. Those politicians should, at the very least, be removed, and made to find an alternative, suitable and more useful method of employment.

I would suggest that maybe clearing the streets of rubbish would be appropriate, especially those around Westminster.

From: Jarvis Browning, York.

IF we lose out on this no-deal Brexit, we will lose our power, democracy, control of our water around the UK plus the fishing rights, sovereignty and control of our Armed Forces to the EU because of the Lisbon Treaty. We are an island not attached to Europe (only by an artificial tunnel)!