How Harry and Meghan embarrass Britain as Duchess of Sussex reveals White House dream – Yorkshire Post Letters

Are the Duke and Duchess of Sussex an embarrassment to the Royal family?Are the Duke and Duchess of Sussex an embarrassment to the Royal family?
Are the Duke and Duchess of Sussex an embarrassment to the Royal family?
From: Marilyn S Shaw, Thornhill, Dewsbury.

IT has been a relief not to be constantly reading about the tedious Duke and Duchess of Sussex who migrated to California and have constantly dished out “their truth” on our Royal family. The wife in question has exclaimed how Americans are so uninterested in royalty etc but she has a British title which she uses constantly to style herself.

I now read with bemusement that her friends and supporters believe that it is her intention to eventually run for office as President of the United States.

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Well, fine but so far in recent years they have been unfortunate in their choices of president. The latest one described himself as Irish and not American, so I daresay it wouldn’t be beyond the realms of belief.

Are the Duke and Duchess of Sussex an embarrassment to the Royal family?Are the Duke and Duchess of Sussex an embarrassment to the Royal family?
Are the Duke and Duchess of Sussex an embarrassment to the Royal family?

However, we were recently subjected to her self-promoting interview which was totally cringeworthy and embarrassing as she used her British title.

The show was so second-rate that I can only imagine our American friends are starved of decent TV. Agreed, we do have some trash TV of our own, but if this is what one has to do to promote a “serious side” in the run to the White House, then heaven help the West.

The less we see of her and her husband, the greater chance that sanity prevails.

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