New look RNLI museum and historic lifeboat in Whitby revealed after long restoration project

It was the last rowing and pulling lifeboat to be used by the RNLI and has been a proud museum piece ever since it was retired from service in the seas off Whitby on the dramatic and dangerous North Yorkshire coastline during the 1950s.

However, the location of The Robert and Ellen Robson, just yards from the harbour at Whitby meant the boat, and former boathouse turned museum, have been exposed to the elements and was starting to see signs of decay.

However, a lifelong supporter of the museum, on Pier Road at the heart of the town’s sea-faring heritage, left a legacy in their will to be used on restoration of the boat and museum, making sure the history and story of the RNLI in Whitby could continue to be told for years to come.

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