YP Comment: What is fate of metro-mayors? New twist over devolution deals

What now for metro-mayors in cities like Leeds?What now for metro-mayors in cities like Leeds?
What now for metro-mayors in cities like Leeds?
IT remains to be seen whether speculation about the fate of metro-mayors is wishful thinking or not '“ recent reports that the Northern Powerhouse was to be ditched '˜lock, stock and barrel' were wide of the mark.

There’s also no denying the fact that Theresa May is a pragmatist prepared to jettison unpopular policies and George Osborne’s insistence on directly-elected mayors, in return for devolution powers, did prove to be a sticking point here.

However it is being suggested that the Government is floating the idea because it is worried that Labour will use the mayoral role to launch its electoral revival in the North – Andy Burnham is the party’s candidate for Greater Manchester while Steve Rotheram, currently Jeremy Corbyn’s parliamentary private secretary, has been selected for the comparable role in Liverpool. This, alone, is not sufficient reason to scrap the plan. If the Government believes in localism, it must be for the people of Yorkshire – and elsewhere – to determine the most appropriate leadership model and the latest soundings from Whitehall do appear, if true, to offer a chance of ending the current impasse.

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