YP Letters: Blair to blame as Tories look to clear up mess north of border

Prime Minister Theresa May greets European Council president Donald Tusk outside 10 Downing Street, London, ahead of Brexit talks.Prime Minister Theresa May greets European Council president Donald Tusk outside 10 Downing Street, London, ahead of Brexit talks.
Prime Minister Theresa May greets European Council president Donald Tusk outside 10 Downing Street, London, ahead of Brexit talks.
From: Alan Chapman, Beck Lane, Bingley.

HOW did devolution come about? Following Labour’s landslide general election victory in 1997, Tony Blair used his unstoppable massive majority to force through legislation.

To placate the Labour movement in Scotland and Wales, his government floated devolution to those sacred lands of socialist endeavour in the sure knowledge that there would be a permanent Labour majority running both devolved authorities, thus sealing a permanent Labour majority in the Commons. La La Land where Labour rules forever!

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Oops, unintended consequences strike again. Labour, taking Scotland for granted, gets swept away by the SNP, Holyrood lost.

Then, in 2010, Labour is turned out of Whitehall.

Nicola Sturgeon will not rest until she gets an annual independence referendum that finally satisfies her obsession.

Yet again a Conservative government is set to clear up another fine mess Labour has got us into.

From: John Riseley, Harcourt Drive, Harrogate.

POLAND and Hungary face an ultimatum to accept “their fair share” of refugees. These are migrants whom Greece and Italy cynically waved across their borders into the EU and on into other EU countries and to whom Germany unilaterally offered a home. We cannot but feel relief now at the decision we made last year.

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Some will no doubt point out that the flow across the Channel has been two way. This was Gordon Brown’s (public) response to “that bigoted woman”, though he too was careful not to mention relative numbers.

But moving south shouldn’t necessarily become a problem. All we need do is to make it a criminal offence for anyone to say they want to live in the EU. Those who do would then become eligible for political asylum there. Every EU member state will be obliged to take its fair share of British refugees.

From: D Wood, Howden.

THERESA May has been provided with the biggest mandate in British political history by the British electorate to get us out of the EU.

She is now doing that and should be left to get on with it.

Leave voters knew perfectly well what we were voting for, and now we at last have a Prime Minister who can, and is prepared to, run this country without being told how to do it by the unelected foreigners in Brussels. Unlike Tony Blair and John Major.