YP Letters: No excuse for drivers who don't belt up

Is enough being done to enforce seatbelt laws?Is enough being done to enforce seatbelt laws?
Is enough being done to enforce seatbelt laws?
From: Shaun Kavanagh, Leeds.

THE varying comments regarding the wearing of seatbelts when driving is simply a “no brainer”. Drivers who choose not to wear seatbelts should expect the punishment they rightfully deserve, including having penalty points added to their licence. There can be no exceptions unless accompanied by lawful reason.

The law states you “will” wear a seat belt when driving, including passengers being carried, for safety reasons and the safety of fellow motorists in the event of an accident. It is only the idiot element of drivers who choose to disobey the law and they more than deserve the outcome. Sensible, law-abiding motorists do not have an issue wearing seat belts as statistics prove only too well.

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Perhaps the law should be changed, especially for those motorists who choose not to wear a seatbelt whereby their actions result in injury being caused to others. In such circumstances those offenders should be sent on a short holiday at one of Her Majesty’s hotels. There can be no excuse for blatant stupidity.

Phone users are not poor

From: Peter Hyde, Driffield.

I HAVE little doubt that there are many genuinely poor people who live day to day wondering where the next meal is coming from or how to keep warm.

I have experienced it myself as a child. I am now 85, but today many are considered poor if they don’t have the latest TV or mobile phone.

It is common to see even school children, wandering about with a mobile phone glued to their ear. I sometimes wonder what they have to talk about which is so urgent that it cannot wait until they meet their school mates.

Poverty is relative.

Thanks for your support

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From: Kevin Beesting, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Shire View, Leeds.

IN June, you published an article about me and my guide dog Spencer. It was about the efforts by me and my family to raise £5,000 to sponsor a guide dog to give another blind person the kind of freedom which Spencer has given me.

I am delighted to report that we have reached our target and the new puppy has now started his training. I have named him Lawrence after my late father. The article generated a lot of interest and was a great help in getting me to my £5,000 target. Thank you.

New phrase? No problem

From: Brian Sheridan, Lodge Moor, Sheffield.

I AM astonished that anyone as sensible as Andrew Vine is upset by such expressions as “no problem” and “no worries” (The Yorkshire Post, December 26).

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There is no reason to believe they are insincere. The expression he favours: “you’re welcome” is most common in America and I use it with an affected accent when responding to an act of courtesy from my grandchildren. I also say “no worries” if the mood takes me.

We won’t clam up on dialect

From: Mike Smith, Birkby, Huddersfield.

IN answer to Jim Beck’s question on Yorkshire dialect (The Yorkshire Post, December 27), I remember from my childhood the word ‘clammed’ being used frequently to mean ‘hungry’ but pronounced with an ‘a’.

The different spelling with an ‘e’ could possibly be a local variation in accent.

Those born and widely travelled within Yorkshire will know the accent changes noticeably across the county.

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The dictionary meaning of ‘clammed’ is to stop talking abruptly, for example, “he suddenly clammed up”.

From: ME Wright, Harrogate.

JIM Beck asks about the meaning of “clemmed”. I recall a TV programme, in which Les Dawson entered on roller skates, proclaiming – like Jim’s mother – “I’m fair clemmed” – house down! In that context, I think it meant thirsty and as Les was Mancunian, we can’t claim Yorkshire copyright!

From: Michael J Robinson, Park Lane, Berry Brow, Huddersfield.

JIM Beck asked about the phrase ‘clemmed’. If my grandfather was “fair clemmed”, he was thirsty and lubrication was next on the agenda!

No cup for this pudding

From: Jim Beck, Lindrick Grove, Tickhill.

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I DON’T recognise the present day cup-shaped offerings as genuine Yorkshire puddings.

At our house the mixture was poured into the square pan in which the joint had been roasted, resulting in a thin crisp dish with a top and bottom but no middle, which was served with gravy before the meat and two veg.

Alternatively, it could be spread with treacle and served as a dessert. Or, if there was no meat and two veg, the mixture was bulked out with sage and onions to make a satisfying meal.

Fracking kept at bay

From: Simon Bowens, Friends of the Earth, Clapham Road, London.

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THIRD Energy was supposed to start fracking in 2017, claiming that it would be wrapped up by the year’s end. The fact that this Christmas has seen Kirby Misperton and its inhabitants yet to suffer this incursion is testimony to the spirit of the village.

Happy New Year to the still frack-free village of Kirby Misperton!