Sadness as pregnant panda loses cub

Edinburgh Zoo's giant panda, Tian TianEdinburgh Zoo's giant panda, Tian Tian
Edinburgh Zoo's giant panda, Tian Tian
Edinburgh Zoo’s female giant panda Tian Tian lost her cub in the late stages of pregnancy, animal experts believe.

The zoo has announced that Tian Tian is no longer pregnant despite showing signs she was to give birth to a cub up to last week.

The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS), which runs the attraction, believes she was successfully inseminated in April but lost the foetus at late term.

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Chief executive Chris West said: “We are all saddened by this turn of events after so many weeks of waiting.

Edinburgh Zoo's giant panda, Tian TianEdinburgh Zoo's giant panda, Tian Tian
Edinburgh Zoo's giant panda, Tian Tian

“Such a loss has always been in our minds as a very real possibility, as it occurs in giant pandas as well as many other animals, including humans.

“Our dedicated team of keepers, veterinary staff and many others worked tirelessly to ensure Tian Tian received the best care possible, which included remote observation and closing the panda enclosure to visitors to give her quiet and privacy.”

Tian Tian (Sweetie) had been keeping the zoo, and the public, guessing over her possible pregnancy since she was artificially inseminated on April 21.

In August experts noted signs that she had been successfully fertilised and it was hoped a panda cub would be born by September.