Here's why you've never seen Donald Trump eat garlic: He's a secret vampire

Donald TrumpDonald Trump
Donald Trump
A Yorkshire organisation has driven a stake through the heart of Republican voters in America: Donald Trump is a secret vampire.

The politician has topped a list of the world’s Top Ten vampires, on the eve of tomorrow’s “World Dracula Day”.

Russian President Vladimir Putin came second.

The commemorative day marks the date the first copy of Bram Stoker’s novel was published in 1897.

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The poll was conducted by the Whitby Dracula Society 1897, which was set up to celebrate the cultural importance of the North Yorkshire coastal town where the novel was predominantly written.

Other celebrities said to be secretly fearful of garlic include Prince Charles, Piers Morgan, George Osborne, Nicholas Cage, Simon Cowell, Madonna, Katie Hopkins and Katie Price.

Sarahjane Seerkin, from the Whitby Dracula Society, said: “World Dracula Day is the perfect excuse, to raise a glass of something suitably red, to celebrate Vlad’s amazing journey from Romanian Voivode to Vampire Count, via the vivid imagination of Bram Stoker.”

Other events taking place around the world to mark World Dracula Day include the unveiling of a bust of Bram Stoker in Dublin, where the author was born, as well as a Vampire Film and Arts Festival in Transylvania.