Many reasons to support new code insists Doncaster Rovers manager Darren Moore

Keen supporter: Doncaster Rovers manager Darren Moore. Picture:Richard Sellers/PA Wire.Keen supporter: Doncaster Rovers manager Darren Moore. Picture:Richard Sellers/PA Wire.
Keen supporter: Doncaster Rovers manager Darren Moore. Picture:Richard Sellers/PA Wire.
DARREN MOORE fully backs the Football Association’s new diversity code, which aims to increase BAME and female representation within the game.

Football clubs will be required to meet a recruitment diversity target of 15 per cent in new executive jobs and 25 per cent in coaching roles under the code devised by the FA. It will aim to tackle racial inequality in the English game and there are hopes it will also increase the number of female coaches in women’s football.

The Doncaster Rovers manager feels inclusion within the game is improving but believes the introduction of the Football Leadership Diversity Code will have a hugely positive impact.

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“It is great,” said Moore, who is chairman of the Premier League’s Black Participants’ Advisory Group.

“We all share it together. I think everybody is in agreement with it and most clubs are signing up for it because they want to see that inclusion in the game. The inclusivity in the game is good but within my heart I feel it could be so much better.

“If we can get a sense of inclusion from everyone then it can only be good for the professional game and for communities and society in general. Everybody is engaged in it. That is key for me, everybody is looking for these figures to be hit.”

Club Doncaster, Doncaster Rovers and Doncaster Rovers Belles are part of 40 clubs who have already pledged their commitment to the code.

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Moore is one of just five head coaches or managers from a BAME background within the top 92 clubs.

The former Bradford City and Barnsley player insists there are a “multitude” of qualified coaches from minority backgrounds waiting for a chance to land a job in the professional game.

“I have got a list as long as my arm of qualified coaches, men and women, who want to get back into the game,” added Moore.

“It is just about the individual getting that opportunity to prove themselves.

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“They are qualified all the way through and, hopefully, with these targets being put out there, there are people ready to go who are thirsty and hungry to get back into the game.

“Hopefully, with the code coming in, people will sit up and take a look to see who is out there because there is a multitude.”

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