‘Climate emergency’ answer is planting more trees in towns like Scarborough – Yorkshire Post Letters

Can families be encouraged to plant more trees?Can families be encouraged to plant more trees?
Can families be encouraged to plant more trees?
From: Mandy Hillier, Scalby Nabs, Scarborough.

THE climate change emergency and biodiversity collapse are virtually undisputed. One important way to capture carbon and improve the environment for our plants and animals is to grow more trees.

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Scarborough Council maintains around 356 hectares (879 acres) of parks and 204 hectares of green space.

A climate emergency has been declared in Scarborough.A climate emergency has been declared in Scarborough.
A climate emergency has been declared in Scarborough.

Could the council grow more trees in these areas and encourage plant diversity in the grassed areas?

The council has declared a “climate emergency” and, in so doing, it “pledges to do everything within the council’s power to make the Borough of Scarborough carbon neutral by 2030”.

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In its strategy documents and declarations, the council acknowledges the vital importance of reducing carbon emissions, carbon capture and protecting and encouraging natural environments.

Our councillors are obviously on board for tackling climate change, but could we please move faster? I believe there are hundreds of people in our community who would be only too happy to do something personally to avert climate disaster by volunteering to plant trees and offer cash to buy the plants and protection needed to help them thrive.