The Government has shown little interest in removing barriers to economic growth in the countryside - Lucinda Douglas

Just over a year ago, the UK government published its ‘Levelling Up’ White Paper which reflected a lack of focus on the rural economy. Billed as a programme for economic growth in left behind areas, it was nothing of the sort.

Following the ‘Levelling Up’ White Paper, the Country Land and Business Association (CLA) supported an All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) report that set out an economic blueprint to revitalise the rural economy, which is 19 per cent less productive than the national average. Reducing this gap could add up to £43bn to the national economy.

The inquiry took evidence from over 50 industry bodies, academics, business leaders and campaign groups, and should be seen as a blueprint for economic growth in the countryside. It makes 27 recommendations that are low cost and easy to implement.

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