YP Letters: You don't have to agree with all EU rules

Will the EU flag still be flying in Britain after June 23?Will the EU flag still be flying in Britain after June 23?
Will the EU flag still be flying in Britain after June 23?
From: John R Blundell, Matterdale Road, Dewsbury.

WHILST remaining in the EU is not a perfect solution, I believe that there is a general move throughout the EU that Brussels must be reformed and its influence reduced. The recent unofficial referendum in the Netherlands indicated this.

Having worked for a German company (BASF) for 23 years, including working in Germany, the information I am receiving is that there is pressure to reform Brussels which can only support the vote to stay in the EU.

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When you join a club you do not have to agree to every article of that club but you remain in the club for your personal benefit and the benefit of the club and work to change the parts that you do not agree with, not resign and forget the benefits.

The UK has a fantastic reputation in the EU and our influence in world affairs is stronger because of our membership and most of the trading partnerships globally do not want to negotiate with every individual country globally, but with groups of countries where trading terms are the same throughout.

From: Mike Dods, Wensley Grove, Leeds.

THOSE who advocate leaving the EU have yet to explain how we will continue to trade with the EU (50 per cent of our trade) if we leave. Do they think they can renegotiate a trade deal alongside negotiating our exit? If so, they should read clause 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon. Exit is to be completed in two years. Trade deals are separate, and take much longer. The trade deal with Canada has taken over seven years and when Greenland left (the only country to leave the EU), it took three years, and look at the size of Greenland’s economy!

From: D Wood, Howden.

I AGREE with your comment (The Yorkshire Post, May 14) that David Cameron must make a positive case for the EU. Of course he is unable to do this as there isn’t a case for staying, except for the cushy jobs on offer for failed politicians and bureaucrats.

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I don’t however agree with your third paragraph – namely regeneration money is, in fact, merely part of Britain’s contribution to this corrupt dictatorship. The likes of Meadowhall and Junction 34 are no substitute for the once mighty pits, steelworks and engineering that once covered these areas.

From: C D Lee, Cavendish Street, Worcester.

I HOPE I am not the only person who is disappointed with the current EU referendum campaign. The heavily financed Vote Remain is persisting in a negative fear-based approach while the Vote Leave campaign is comparatively timid. Either way, we are compromised if we stay in or leave the EU. The vote must be based on “gut-feeling”.

From: JG Riseley, Harcourt Drive, Harrogate.

A KEY issue in the referendum is keeping this country as close as we can to zero population growth. That is a cause strongly espoused by Sir David Attenborough and favoured by those who value the environment, though not, apparently, by the Green Party.

From: Nigel Pearson, Carr Bridge Avenue, Leeds.

EVERYONE eligible to vote in the EU referendum should ask themselves this question: “Do we want our descendants to say of us ‘They had a golden opportunity to free Britain from a powerless future in the failing corrupt EU – and they dropped the ball?’”

From: Terry Palmer, South Lea Avenue, Hoyland, Barnsley.

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WE who would leave the EU are asked “And would you follow the Norwegian or Swiss model?” Neither. We would follow the British model. We have huge advantages, such as a ready-made global trading market via the Commonwealth, plus places like the United States.

From: Harry Santiuste, Edenthorpe, Doncaster.

EUROVISION 2016 in Stockholm lacked continental favour and seemed more like a Blackpool night out than a Swedish rhapsody. The Pentecostal spirit was also absent because nearly all the contestants sang in one language – English.

One hears more European languages spoken in British towns than were heard at the Swedish event. Despite our language being so popular in Europe, the UK didn’t win the battle but it might win the war against costly interpreters who are clearly no longer needed.

From: Les Arnott, Athelstan Road, Sheffield.

I AM capable of divorcing the idea of Europe from that of the EU. I love Europe and the people and customs I have encountered. I despise the meddlesome, incompetent, exorbitant and unprincipled EU – not least because, economically, its share of world trade is in a significant and possibly terminal decline.

From: Terry Marston, Lincoln.

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WHAT a grave disservice David Cameron has done – is doing – to the country he “loves” and to our democratic politics.

By trying to unify his divided party through his EU referendum, he has divided the country he “loves”: not just the electors but the UK.

From: Mr R.M. Whitaker, Dale View, Hardwick Road, Pontefract.

YOU published several articles and letters (The Yorkshire Post, May 18) telling us why we should remain in the EU. Two of the principles of the Remain campaign are “I know best, trust me” and “Do as I say and not as I do”.