Church has no place for gay marriages

From: Ronald GR Smith, Northgate, Cottingham.

I WRITE to you in firm support of Dr Sentamu’s forthright views on so-called marriages between homosexuals, and lesbians also. There has been and probably will be, more correspondence, both for and against.

However, it must be borne in mind that there cannot be, just cannot be, in any form, true marriage between two people of the same sex. It is not physically possible. Marriage is a true union of man and woman and in the sex act they become actual co-creators with Almighty God.

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Homosexuals and lesbians may call themselves married or what they wish, but they are not married. Marriage is a Christian Sacrament and deemed to be a very sacred one – make no mistake about that.

It is all very well being dressed up at a Register Office – many celebrities affect such shams. Well, that is their business. But they must not be led into thinking that these “weddings” could or can be the norm in any Christian church.

From: E Jenkinson, Hunter House Road, Sheffield.

WE are fortunate to live in a country where we enjoy much freedom. But true freedom has its limitations which must be self-imposed; firstly by respect for oneself, without being egocentric, secondly by respect for others enough to put their interests before one’s own.

The problems of this present time would not be compounded if we could remember to think before we speak, and pause before we act or go on Facebook, Twitter etc and end up looking like idiots, whatever our place in society.