'Disgust, dismay and anger' over the horror in Afghanistan - Yorkshire Post Letters

Hundreds of people gather near a U.S. Air Force C-17 transport plane at a perimeter at the international airport in Kabul, Afghanistan earlier this month (AP Photo/Shekib Rahmani).Hundreds of people gather near a U.S. Air Force C-17 transport plane at a perimeter at the international airport in Kabul, Afghanistan earlier this month (AP Photo/Shekib Rahmani).
Hundreds of people gather near a U.S. Air Force C-17 transport plane at a perimeter at the international airport in Kabul, Afghanistan earlier this month (AP Photo/Shekib Rahmani).
From: ME Wright, Harrogate.

MY disgust, dismay and anger, generated by the ongoing television horror of Afghanistan, was somehow heightened by Andrew Vine’s graphic printed word (The Yorkshire Post, August 24). I thank him for something which neither he nor anyone else should have had to write.

To his valedictory “Where does all this leave Britain’s influence in the world?” I can only point out that we are now “world players” in the game of needlessly carting stuff half way round the planet.

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From: Gareth Robson, Kent House Road, Beckenham.

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WHERE should I start, in unpacking Sir Bernard Ingham’s latest blast of bluster? (The Yorkshire Post, August 25). Criticising those who worry about Afghanistan when, for Sir Bernard, the real problem is the “fractures in the West’s body politic”. An excellent example of a ‘first-world problem’. ‘Hey Afghans, stop your whining – think about us in the west and our tiresome squabbles’.

What he really laments, I suspect, is that the world is no longer Britain’s stage and the audience is ignoring Britain’s latest cohort of actors, apart from occasional guffaws at their pompous absurdity and lies – how silly of them.

From: PL Taylor, Milner Street, Lockwood, Huddersfield.

ANY individual who volunteers his or her services in any of the Armed Forces must be amongst the bravest of our citizens with his or her dedication to the safety of the UK, and its responsibilities abroad.

I hope these admirable individuals are extremely highly rewarded and, should the worst happen, their families are compensated in the most generous and respected manner.

From: DS Boyes, Upper Rodley Lane, Leeds.

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SINCE Tony Blair’s Iraq ‘folly’, the Middle East has been in turmoil, and the world a more dangerous place, thanks to the political vanity of the former premier, George W Bush and others.

Why any former Prime Minister should intervene at all in the current Afghanistan crisis is a mystery.

From: Dr John Cameron, St Andrews.

HAVING been a reserve padre in the Royal Navy, the Marines and the Black Watch, I could not believe what I saw on Tuesday morning: our troops loading some big-wig’s car onto a plane for evacuation from Kabul while desperate families look on.

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